Humanity is exalted not because we are so far above other living creatures, but because knowing them well elevates the very concept of life. E.O. Wilson, 1984

16 May 2013

Long Live the King of Limbs

Not since the 1970's have trees been so cool. Just ask Pitchfork lynchpins Radiohead and Bon Iver, who's legion of hipster fans are fleeing Shoreditch, London or Portland, Oregon to return to the woods. In a log cabin to compose a torch song, or a forest in Wiltshire to gaze on a thousand year old oak (the inspiration for Radiohead's latest album title) , these skinny jeaned, flannel shirted, skull capped bearded folk are hugging trunks left, right and centre, and Instagraming their way along it. And gosh darn it I would be too if I could afford the train fare or the monthly Iphone contract. So I will make do with the music and meandering through Macclesfield forest.
                                                                         Stan Donwood - In the Holloway 2012                                                                            (Radiohead's Cover-Artist, booksigning at Rough Trade Brick Lane (where else?) soon)