Humanity is exalted not because we are so far above other living creatures, but because knowing them well elevates the very concept of life. E.O. Wilson, 1984

14 Feb 2012

The Art of an Entomologist: Carsten Höller

Carsten Höller's foundations as a trained scientist have deeply influenced his art. Whilst originally a researcher in the olfactory communication of insects, he now constructs experiments more akin to instillation pieces in art galleries. In particular, he examines how natural stimuli influence human perceptions of the world around us. The hallucinogenic properties of mushrooms have been central to his latest pieces; giant reconstructions of Amanita muscaria toadstools elicit the shamanic tribal rituals of Siberian indigenous populations. A previous instillation, entitled Solandra Greenhouse consisted of a tunnel of vines which produces chemical compounds said to illicit amorous sensations, which when coupled with strobe lights completes the disorientating feeling of falling in love. By exploring the influence of Nature on Human perception, Höller highlights a deeper meaning to the relationship between man and the diversity of life.

1 comment:

  1. There are many scientist who have some special skills and art of studying about insects and all.Many of them are really artistic.
